InBumble TechbyYuryAndroid Lint and Detekt warnings in GitHub pull requestsCheck out how relatively easy it is to set up Detekt and Android Lint warnings so that they are displayed directly in pull requests.Sep 22, 20221Sep 22, 20221
Mohamed Said IbrahimUsing GitHub Pages to Display HTML Reports from Postman Collections: A Comprehensive GuidePostman and Newman are great tools for API testing and generating detailed reports. But what if you want to make those reports accessible…Oct 22, 20243Oct 22, 20243
Niraj PrajapatiAutomate Android App Publishing on Play Store using GitHub ActionsIn this post, I’ll show how I managed to automate android app publishing on Play Store.Jun 28, 20205Jun 28, 20205
Priti JainStoring Secret or API Keys in AndroidOften your app will have secret credentials or API key , Basic Authentication, or Bearer token and you must store those credentials in the…Apr 10, 20244Apr 10, 20244
Lloyd DcostaAutomating Android Builds with GitHub Actions: A Step-by-Step GuideIn this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of automating Android builds using GitHub Actions. This will streamline your…Dec 16, 20231Dec 16, 20231
InProAndroidDevbyYanneck ReißHow To Securely Build and Sign Your Android App With GitHub ActionsImplement automated release signing without uploading your KeyStore file to your repositoryJul 10, 20214Jul 10, 20214
Shubham Kumar GuptaHow do you add KtLint to a multimodular Android project?If you’re here, that means you’re also stuck over this. Let’s add it then!Feb 14, 2024Feb 14, 2024
AmitdograKtLint Integration in AndroidIn this guide, we’ll walk through the process of integrating KtLint into your Android project and configuring it to suit your needs.Apr 24, 2024Apr 24, 2024
InLevel Up CodingbyMichael FebriantoAndroid Coverage Check on Github ActionQuality is very important in software delivery. An application that has bugs will make customer less confident to use it and dragging…Mar 14, 2023Mar 14, 2023
InProAndroidDevbySaqibAndroid Lint workflow using Github ActionsIn the story we will see how to create a workflow for Android Lint using GitHub Actions.Jul 31, 20231Jul 31, 20231
InEmpathy.cobyPablo García Fernández (Casía)Applying CI/CD Using GitHub Actions for AndroidAll developers know how crucial it is to ensure that their programs and products are up and running, and that includes the Interface X Apps…Apr 22, 20221Apr 22, 20221
InNerd For TechbyAshish UniyalSetup JaCoCo code coverage with your Multimodule Android App KotlinIn our last post, we discussed how to set up ktlint within our android project. Hope that was helpful. If you have not tried, do give a try…Jul 3, 202113Jul 3, 202113