Paul BurkeDrag and Swipe with RecyclerView — Part TwoHandles, Grids, and Custom AnimationsJul 22, 201532Jul 22, 201532
Marius MerkevičiusChallenges of composing RecyclerView with ConcatAdapter in a GridMy road in using ConcatAdapter with different types of RecyclerView.Adapter’s and displaying items in pairs (or not) by using grid layout.Oct 8, 2021Oct 8, 2021
InProAndroidDevbyRahul SainaniInfinite auto-scrolling lists with RecyclerView & LazyLists in ComposeExploring different approaches to create infinite auto-scrolling lists on Android.May 13, 20216May 13, 20216
Phil OlsonSmooth RecyclerView scrolling in AndroidTips for using complex views without skipping framesMay 9, 20193May 9, 20193
Herman CheungDefining Android Binding Adapter in Kotlinand creating real static method in KotlinFeb 6, 20195Feb 6, 20195
Saber SolookiSticky Header For RecyclerViewimplementation and library for stickyHeader in recyclerView for android applicationsJul 12, 201826Jul 12, 201826
Supah SoftwareCustom Android Views: Drag and DropYou can view the all of the source code for this here: 29, 2020Jun 29, 2020
Farshid ABZImprove RecyclerView PerformanceIn my last project, I’ve been working on an application that has a vertical list which every item has a horizontal image list, just like…Jan 31, 201915Jan 31, 201915