RecyclerView with different items and multiple columns grid

Alexey Kuznetsov
3 min readAug 4, 2021
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Everybody who create Android application knows RecyclerView.Adapter. But when it comes to creating a list with different elements and multiple columns, not everyone solves this problem through the same adapter.

In this article I show how create such list and how we can use sealed classes for solve this problem. So turn on good music and tune on code writing! I think it will be interesting. The final result 👇

The problem

For start need divide this task on parts:

  1. For support different items we will create realization of RecyclerView.Adapter and will use getItemViewType method for create different ViewHolder’s.
  2. For create multiple column grid we will use standard GridLayoutManager with custom realization of GridLayoutManager.SpanSizeLookup.

Prepare / Let’s get started!

Firstly let’s create sealed class of our item. In this case some items contains static data (e.g. string/dimension/color resources). It may be useful in some cases, for example when you know final names of headers for sections. Other items have dynamic data which after implementation to your project will receive for example from server or database.

As you may notice parent class have parameter TestType:

It’s enum class which describes every TestItem by type. Mainly this needs inside adapter for two reasons:

Last step of prepare everything for adapter is create layout’s and ViewHolder’s. I omitted this code because there is nothing special inside. But if you need it - link to test project will be at the end of article.

Create adapter

Everything done and we can start write code for adapter class which will connect all created classes together!

This class is very simple and light (only 47 code lines in project 🚀). As you can see sealed class and enum class make big deal here. It allow us fast get view type, create and bind ViewHolder.

Also here created an interface named “Callback” which collect all interfaces of children ViewHolder’s. It’s made for prevent code overflow and also it’s very good for code reuse! If you will use some items in another adapter, for example, you only needed implement already existing ViewHolder callback in new adapter callback.

UnbindCallback is interface which realized in some ViewHolder’s. It’s needed for clear resources and for prevent memory leaks.

Create multiple column grid

GridLayoutManager had a cool class for customize columns count. Let me introduce you a GridLayoutManager.SpanSizeLookup! As documentation says about this class:

A helper class to provide the number of spans each item occupies.

Inside this class us need override getSpanSize method, because documentation says (again 😃):

Returns the number of span occupied by the item at position.

Here sealed class help us choose that number of columns will be for each item. Span count must evenly divisible per used numbers of columns (notice that getSpanSize returns Int).

And it’s all! Everything done for display such list on the screen. But if you want to continue and implement DiffUtil for this list — check out next article! Thanks for reading and I hope this information will be useful! Don’t forget press 👏👏👏 if you like this.

Full code of this test project you may find here. Good luck!



Alexey Kuznetsov

Android developer. Creator of Scriptum application for manage notes.